😷  Health News
- No community transmission cases recorded in NSW in the last seven days.
- Health Minister Greg Hunt has said Australia’s vaccine roll-out strategy is “on track” to begin in late February and be complete by October 2021. More info here.
📰 Business & Employment News
- Australian Bureau of Statistics labour force data released on Thursday shows the unemployment rate fell 0.2 percentage points over the month to 6.6 per cent in December. This meant 912,000 people were without work over the month, down from 942,100 in November and over 1 million at the height of the virus’ impact on businesses. More info here.
- The Australian Government has committed more than $4.7 million to provide small regional businesses affected by COVID-19 with access to free and confidential financial counselling. Regional small businesses can register their interest by calling 1300 771 741
- Remember that there are a multitude of grants available from the State Government. See what you’re eligible for here.
- The Government still intends to end the JobKeeper assistance scheme on 28 March 2021. Make sure you are planning accordingly and maintaining communication with your employees.
- Have you commenced your workforce plan? A good workforce plan will give you a clear understanding of the demographic of your current workforce and how you should prepare for the future. It benefits your business by showing you where you are most at risk of productivity and continuity losses and in what areas you need to train more employees to ensure you have a consistent and alternative supply of talent. We are almost at the end of January so if you haven’t already, think about your workforce planning.