😷  Health News
- The NSW Government has extended the current lockdown in Greater Sydney until the end of September and introduced new rules targeting the 12 LGAs of concern (including curfews between 9pm-5am and the closure of certain retail premises except for click and collect).
- For a list of permitted businesses across all the states and territories, see here.
- As of today, mask wearing is mandatory when outside your home, except when exercising. This is mandatory in Regional NSW until at least 28 August.
- Regional NSW will be locked down until at least 28 August.
- Victoria’s lockdown will apply until at least 11:59pm on 2 Sept.
- ACT’s lockdown will apply until at least 2 Sept.
- The Greater Darwin Area lifted lockdown restrictions on 19 Aug and the Katherine Area, including Tindal, lifted on 20 Aug.
- Across the Northern Tablelands, Armajun Health Services are vaccinating approximately 100 people from Aboriginal communities per day in Armidale and Inverell, and smaller numbers in Glen Innes. Tenterfield is in the plans. The access to Pfizer is increasing the number of people coming forward for the vaccination.
- The number of cases is highest in the 20-29 years age group. Extensive vaccination coverage is paramount. Book now here.
📰  Business & Employment News
- Telstra will be handing out $200 to vaccinated employees. Those who haven’t had their jab yet have until 31 Dec to get it before the incentive ends. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) warned that employers run the risk of being liable should they offer incentives in exchange for vaccinations. It seems like a good deal though, right? Would you want to encourage your employees to get vaccinated?
- E-commerce company Amazon is looking to monitor employees’ behavioural biometrics through how they use their keyboard, mouse movements, typing rhythm and swipe gestures amongst other characteristics, in a bid to ramp up its security measures from attacks. How much do you value privacy and security for your employees?
💪 We’ve got your back
- Pinnacle People Solutions are keeping on top of the COVID-19 updates for our regional communities and will update our social platforms with important updates. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
- Take care – the news is intense at the moment. Don’t forget to take a break because it will still be here when you come back.